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An IO class implements bi-directional serial (UART) communication.



Creates a new Serial object instance.




An object of properties used to construct the class.

receive - a pin specifier indicating the receive (RX) pin. May be required to read data.

transmit - a pin specifier indicating the transmit (TX) pin. May be required to write data.

baud - a number specifying the speed of data over the TX/RX lines in bits-per-second (bps).

flowControl (optional) - A string ("hardware" | "none") specifying the kind of flow control used in the connection. Defaults to "none".

dataTerminalReady (optional) - a pin specifier indicating the data terminal ready (DTR) pin.

requestToSend (optional) - a pin specifier indicating the request to send (RTS) pin.

clearToSend (optional) - a pin specifier indicating the clear to send (CTS) pin.

dataSetReady (optional) - a pin specifier indicating the data set ready (DSR) pin.

port (optional) - For devices with more than one serial bus port, the port specifier for the instance.

format (optional): a string ("number" | "buffer") that indicates the type of data used by the read and write methods. Defaults to "buffer".

onReadable(byteLength) (optional): A callback function that is invoked when the instance has data available to read, which can be retrieved using the read method. The byteLength argument indicates the amount of bytes available.

onWritable(byteLength) (optional): A callback function that is invoked first when the instance is ready to accept data, then when it can accept more data for output, which can be sent using the write method. The byteLength argument indicates the amount of bytes that can be written without overflowing the buffer.


If the constructor requires a resource that is already in use — whether by a script or the native host — an Error exception is thrown.

Instance Properties

Includes properties of the IO Class Pattern. Specific to this class:


May return "number" or "buffer". The string value set by the constructor options or by the script at any time to change how it reads data.

Instance Methods


Returns data from the IO instance.




Accepted when the format is a "buffer", the number of bytes to read into the returned Byte Buffer.


Accepted when the format is a "buffer", a pre-allocated Byte Buffer for the instance to fill.

Return value

undefined if no data is available.

If the format is "number", returns the next available byte as a number (from 0 to 255).

If the format is "buffer", returns Byte Buffer if byteLength is defined, otherwise a number representing the amount of bytes read into the buffer argument.


Sends data to the IO instance.




Accepted when the format is a "number", a byte value to send to the peripheral.


Accepted when the format is a "buffer", a Byte Buffer of data to send to the peripheral.


If the output buffer cannot accept all the bytes to be written, an exception is thrown.


Flushes the input and/or output queues of the serial instance.

flush(input, output)



Boolean value to indicate if the received but unread data should be flushed from the queue. Defaults to true.


Boolean value to indicate if the written but unsent data should be flushed from the queue. Defaults to true.


If only one argument is passed, an exception is thrown.


Controls the value of the data terminal ready (DTR) and request to send (RTS) pins of the serial connection together with the break.




An object of properties to configure the serial connection:

dataTerminalReady (optional) - boolean value to set the connection’s DTR pin, else clear it. The connection is unchanged if this property is undefined.

requestToSend (optional) - boolean value to set the connection’s RTS pin, else clear it. The connection is unchanged if this property is undefined.

break (optional) - boolean value to set the connection’s break signal, else clear it. The connection is unchanged if this property is undefined.


Returns the value of the clear to send (CTS) and data set ready (DSR) pins.




An object of properties to store the state of the CTS and DSR pins. Defaults to an empty object if not defined:

clearToSend - boolean value if the state of the CTS pin is set (true) or cleared (false).

dataSetReady - boolean value if the state of the DSR pin is set (true) or cleared (false).


An object of properties containing the state of the CTS and DSR pins:

clearToSend - boolean value if the state of the CTS pin is set (true) or cleared (false).

dataSetReady - boolean value if the state of the DSR pin is set (true) or cleared (false).


The class can be imported from the embedded namespace or found on the host device global object:

import Serial from "embedded:io/serial";
const Serial =;

Is there an echo?

This example instantiates a Serial connection that writes each byte it reads when the onReadable callback is invoked. It uses default RX/TX pins from the device global. The baud rate is set to a common speed times the 8 data bits expected to be returned individually by the read method since the default format is "number".

const message = "hello world\r\n";
const serial = new{
baud: 115_200 * 8,
onReadable(count) {
while (count--) {
for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {

Continuous write

This example instantiates a Serial connection the continuously writes text to the output. It uses the onWritable callback to write data as quickly as possible without overflowing the output queue. The format is set to "buffer" to maximize throughput.

const message = ArrayBuffer.fromString(`
Since publication of the first edition in 1997,
ECMAScript has grown to be one of the world's most widely used general-purpose programming languages.
It is best known as the language embedded in web browsers
but has also been widely adopted for server and embedded applications.\r\n`);
let offset = 0;
const serial = new{
baud: 115_200,
format: "buffer",
onWritable(count) {
while (count) {
const use = Math.min(count, message.byteLength - offset);
const buffer = message.slice(offset, offset + use)
count -= use;
offset += use;
if (offset >= message.byteLength) {
offset = 0;

