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TLS Client Socket

An IO class that implements a logical subclass of the TCP IO class that secures the connection using TLS.

Implementations may use certificates from a certificate store, which is unspecified by ECMA-419. All certificate and key data uses DER binary format instead of PEM Base64 endcoded text.



Creates a new TLS client socket object instance.




An object of properties used to construct the class.

port - a number specifying the remote port to connect to. Optional if the from property is set.

address - A string with the IP address of the remote endpoint to connect to. Optional if the from property is set.

tls - An object to configure the Transport Layer Security of the socket.

host - A string with the host name of the remote endpoint, supporting Server Name Indication (SNI)

minimumVersion (optional) - A TLS version string* indicating the minimum acceptable TLS version for the connection. The default is implementation dependent.

maximumVersion (optional) - A TLS version string* indicating the maximum acceptable TLS version for the connection. The default is implementation dependent.

applicationLayerProtocol (optional) - A string or Byte Buffer to indicate support for a single application layer protocol, or an Array of one or more string or Byte Buffer to indicate support for multiple application layer protocols. Supporting Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension (ALPN)

maximumFragmentLength (optional) - A number indicating the maximum fragment size in bytes, supporting Maximum Fragment Length

ca (optional) - A Byte Buffer or an Array of Byte Buffers containing certificate chains for the connection.

clientKey (optional) - A Byte Buffer or an Array of Byte Buffers containing client keys for the connection.

clientCertificate (optional) - A Byte Buffer or an Array of Byte Buffers containing client certificate chains for the connection.

noDelay (optional) - A boolean indicating whether to disable Nagle’s algorithm on the socket. This is equivalent to the TCP_NODELAY option in BSD sockets. Defaults to false.

keepAlive (optional) - A number of milliseconds specifying the keep-alive interval of the socket. Defaults to disabling the keep-alive capability.

from (optional) - An existing TCP socket instance from which the native socket instance is taken to use with the newly created socket instance. Intended to be used with a TCP Listener. The original instance is closed as ownership of the native socket is tranferred to the new instance.

format (optional) - a string that indicates the type of data used by the read method. Accepts "number" or "buffer". Defaults to "buffer".

onReadable(bytes) (optional): A callback function that is invoked when new data is available, which can be retrieved using the read method. The bytes argument indicates the number of available bytes to be read.

onWriteable(bytes) (optional): A callback function that is invoked when space has been made available to output additional data via the write method. The bytes argument indicates the number of bytes that may be written without overflowing the output buffers.

onError() (optional): A callback function that is invoked when an error occurs or the TCP socket disconnects. Once this callback is invoked, the connection is no longer usable.


If the constructor requires a resource that is already in use — whether by a script or the native host — an Error exception is thrown.

Instance Properties

Includes properties of the IO Class Pattern. Specific to this class:


Returns the value set by the format property of the options object in the constructor, either "number" or "buffer". Defaults to "buffer".


A read-only property providing the IP address of the remote endpoint as a string. If the remote address is not available, returns undefined.


A read-only property providing the port number of the remote endpoint as a number. If the remote port is not available, returns undefined.

Instance Methods


Returns data from the remote endpoint.




Accepted when the format is a "buffer", the number of bytes to read into the returned Byte Buffer.


Accepted when the format is a "buffer", a pre-allocated Byte Buffer for the instance to fill.

Return value

undefined if no data is available.

If the format is "number", returns the next available byte as a number (from 0 to 255).

If the format is "buffer", returns Byte Buffer if byteLength is defined, otherwise a number representing the amount of bytes read into the buffer argument.


Transmits data to the remote endpoint.




Accepted when the format is a "buffer", a Byte Buffer of data to send to the remote endpoint.

Return value

Number indicating the updated writable count.


If the output buffer cannot accept all the bytes to be written, an exception is thrown.


The class can be imported from the embedded namespace:

import TLS from "embedded:io/socket/tcp/tls";


TLS client socket